All are welcome here!

I have dementia……..

I have dementia……..

          this is what I would like you to know

I didn’t choose to have dementia, it chose me.

I can’t always tell you what I want or how I feel.

I still love you and I am grateful for your help even if

              that is not always obvious.

I do best with a routine.

If you can figure out what upsets me and avoid it

              life will be better for both of us.

Help me to be independent.  Don’t do things for me     

              that I can still do for myself.

I might need some coaching and extra time, try to

              be patient with me.

Keep me engaged in activities that stimulate me

              and allow me to socialize.

Talk to me like you always did.  Don’t talk down to

             me or raise your voice.  Remember I need     

             more time to process information.  Please

             give me that time.  

NL 7/29/19